theAprel OPThree Japanese girls want to make flavored rice but forgot to buy ingredients at the store, so they improvise by making a broth with their bodies' natural spices and take turns peeing into the rice cooker. The one wearing a ponytail has been holding for a while so she offers to go first, taking the bowl of uncooked rice and placing it on the floor. She quickly removes her panties and squats over the bowl, then empties her full bladder into the rice. The cute petite girl steps forward to go next. She's not desperate for relief like the first girl but still wants to contribute some of her flavor, pissing a few cupfuls of her nectar into the mixture. They put the bowl into the rice cooker and have a girl-chat while they wait for their delicious meal to be ready. When the timer goes off, they open the rice cooker and all lean in to sniff the savory aroma. The rice has yellow hue and is packed with the umami taste of Asian pussy. The ponytail girl scoops it into a serving bowl while they appreciate that tonight's dinner is so much more special and unique than anything they could have bought at the store. Japanese women are very resourceful!